When being strong becomes self-abuse

Learn strategies to stay resourced and strong at the same time.

  • Break through the perfectionism that’s slowing you down

  • Learn to redefine strength and connect to your inner resources

  • Ensure others don’t underestimate you (without breaking yourself)

Feeling like you might not be able to stay strong any longer, but can’t bear to seem weak?

You’re not alone. I’ve been there. And so have many other women who hold onto their strength as a part of their identity, as their shield from the world that makes them ok.

You probably think of vulnerability as weakness, and really struggle to ask for help. But on the other side of this you may be living with an underlying anxiety that at any moment someone will see through this exterior and you won't be ok, or that something you produce will be less than perfect and you won’t cope. And then, at the end of one of these cycles you may have found yourself completely depleted or burned out, and unable to do ANYthing for a while. 

Until you recover. 

And begin the process all over again. 

Until you burn out…

And so you go. I know. I’ve done it myself. But I’ve spent the last 20 years learning to recognise and break free from this pattern. To listen to what I need to stay resourced while being strong, and to make the gaps between the burnout cycles bigger and bigger. 

I’ve collected the most impactful tools and techniques that have worked for me and the women I’ve worked with to create a coaching protocol for strong women who need a strong woman’s help. 

With the right support you can learn to stay strong and bend a little too, instead of being rigid and breaking the way you have been. 

How I work with strong women
1-on-1 Coaching

In my private coaching I spend time getting to know you and your personal set of circumstances. While us strong women may have many of the same struggles, our situations are all unique, and I don’t believe in plugging in a “one-size-fits-all” program. 

Once I’ve taken some time to discuss your patterns with you, I’ll work out which strategies will suit you best, and we’ll work together to create a life for you where you’re able to be strong AND get your own needs met at the same time. Where you’re able to be taken seriously as a woman, and not needing to collapse into burnout and losing what you’ve built.